Thoughts on Suitcases

Suitcases are associated with travel:

The museum goes on a journey.

The target audience is being invited on a trip to the museum.

The carrier has something to tell.

So the museum suitcase generates interest,

which can be carried over from

the individual concept of your museum

onto the current theme in a creative fashion.


The following contents can be found in the museum suitcases:

- real objects

- work instructions

- art supplies

- literature

- multi media components


These concepts are created with focus on the target audience

primarily based on interactive ideas.

There is a number of contents,

which make sense in a museum suitcase.

This is dependent on

the type of museum

So generated the museum case interest from theory

to practice, sensual experience more tightly

focused to the exhibition concept of the museum

and the goals of the suitcase.


Schools, kindergartens, retirement homes and interested parties

may borrow the museum suitcase with or without an escor

and use it in museums.


I am looking forward to your call

- consulting on variations of suitcases
- plus my other offers
- for your public relations
- and marketing
- and your educational mandate