The elementary subject of
my artistic work is “Love” in its various ways of expression in philosophy and ways of
It is the so often praised,
described and decicted sentiment found
throughout the history of man, in
religion and mythology up to our present
Love is reflected in people’s mutual
understanding.Its existence always needs
to be evaluted in our individualized
social development.
To me the female body is a symbol of
sentiment and change, sensuality and
eroticism express the human search for
merging the female and male components
in us.
The metaphorical expression of eroticsm
embodies the mental and intellectual
disposition and conveys to the viewer
access to his consciousness and
subconsciousness. Thereby we become aware of our inner
thruth and articulate it.
The artistic challenge for me is to
decipt the balance of individual
perception and possible solutions in
form and expression in my paintings.
To me the body is carrier of sense and
expression of our fulfilled and
unfulfilled desires and the longing for
Since 2006 I am
presenting my paintings under the
In my opinion art could never be
completely explained by words.